If you have witnessed a life-threatening event such as a natural disaster, combat, or sexual assault, it is possible to develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Struggling with PTSD can cause daily life activities to seem exceptionally difficult. After a traumatic event it is normal to have some difficulties, but if they persist longer than a few weeks it may be time to see a professional. PTSD can occur and develop at any age and here at Psychological Assessment and Treatment Services we work with individuals from age 3 to 60 years of age.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can be present in childhood and adolescence. Stressful life events can have a huge impact on the way children & adolescents think and feel. The child or teen does not need to have directly experienced the trauma but could develop PTSD from witnessing any type of trauma or life-threatening situation to a loved one. If the traumatic event is causing your child or teenager to have difficulties with relationships and their everyday activities, they may be suffering from PTSD. Here are some symptoms to look out for in children and adolescents:

  • Nightmares that keep them up at night
  • Lacking positive emotions (Always being upset and not being able to think about things in a positive manner).
  • Anger outbursts
  • Denying that the event ever happened or feeling numb about it when it is discussed
  • Avoiding people or places that may have been associated with the traumatic event
  • Intense fear and sadness
  • Having trouble focusing at school

PTSD in adults tends to interfere with their work and social lives, which can be extremely distressing. Although PTSD symptoms can be seen immediately, they also may form months after the trauma, which is why it is important to be aware of some of the symptoms if you have experienced any type of trauma:

  • Reliving the event (Having recurring nightmares about the event, having flashbacks, experiencing triggers).
  • Avoiding situations that make you think about the event (Avoiding driving because you were in a car accident).
  • Negative changes in the way you think and feel (No longer having trust in others to drive a car due to getting hit by a drunk driver).
  • Hyperarousal (Becoming startled from a loud noise that reminds you of the traumatic event, having a hard time concentrating).

No two people experience PTSD in the exact same way, which is why at Psychological Assessment and Treatment Services, your clinician would tailor therapy to your individual needs. Trauma focused therapy has been found to be beneficial for individuals with PTSD. At Psychological Assessment and Treatment Services, the clinicians will assist you in processing through the trauma while also assisting you in learning how the trauma changed the way you are thinking and feeling. We are here to help you work through and eliminate these distressing symptoms, call us today to set up your first appointment!